Qualche settimana fa ho partecipato ad un evento organizzato dalla redazione di Casa Facile nello showroom Bassetti di Corso Buenos Aires a Milano. L'ospite della serata era Kate Neckel, artista newyorkese dallo stile molto grafico.
Ci è stata data la possibilità di decorare delle federe con la stessa tecnica utilizzata da Kate, ovvero pennarelli indelebili di diversi colori.
Il suggerimento dell'artista è stato quello di lasciare libera la fantasia e improvvisare, ma io e l'improvvisazione non andiamo molto d'accordo. Avrei voluto fare un fenicottero e alla fine ne è uscito un incrocio con un dodo. Vi presento quindi il dodottero. (La deliziosa illustrazione A disaster che accompagna la federa, è di Pinkrain).
E visto il tema black&white, ne approfitto per mostrarvi il mio nuovo set di masking tape.
E voi, cosa avreste disegnato?
(HM Queen Elisabeth, please forgive my english)
Some weeks ago I attended an event organized by Casa Facile's editorial staff at Bassetti's showroom in Milan. The special guest was Kate Neckel, an artist from New York with a unique graphic style. We had the oppotunity to decorate a pillowcase with the same technique used by Kate, permanent markers of different colors. The suggestion of the artist was to use imagination and improvise, but I+improvisation are not friends. I wanted to draw a flamingo but at the end it became an hybrid with a dodo. (The lovely illustration 'A disaster' that accompanies the pillowcase is by Pinkrain).
Since the mood is black&white, I take this opportunity to show you my new set of masking tapes.
Some weeks ago I attended an event organized by Casa Facile's editorial staff at Bassetti's showroom in Milan. The special guest was Kate Neckel, an artist from New York with a unique graphic style. We had the oppotunity to decorate a pillowcase with the same technique used by Kate, permanent markers of different colors. The suggestion of the artist was to use imagination and improvise, but I+improvisation are not friends. I wanted to draw a flamingo but at the end it became an hybrid with a dodo. (The lovely illustration 'A disaster' that accompanies the pillowcase is by Pinkrain).
Since the mood is black&white, I take this opportunity to show you my new set of masking tapes.